Monday, December 8, 2008

good weekend.

Sherry and I took the girls to a Christmas parade. I held Ariyah and sat on the side of the road. Sherry was standing in the street with Jasmine. At first she was a little apprehensive about running out to get the candy. i mean the people on the floats were throwing stuff at her after all. but then she realized.........ITS CANDY!!!!! she worked so hard running to pick up every peice that they threw to her. it was so cute, then she'd run back to me and drop off her winnings. By the time the parade was done, we had a bag full of candy. they loved it. ariyah just watched as everything went bye. She got most excited about the horses, she pointed at them as they went bye. jazzy danced to the marching bands and ariyah clapped. they saw "Tanta" as Jasmine would say for Santa....but everything was eclipsed by the fact that Mickey Mouse was there....they both went nuts.... it was so cute. the rest of the day jazzy said "MICKEY GAVE ME CANDY!!!!"

Sherry and i agree, we love doing things with the girls that make them that happy.


Sherry Adcock said...

THis was such as awesome day!!! I loved every minute of it! Thank you for sharing it with me. I love you and the daddy that you are to our girls.

Jamie said...

that is the cutest thing ever - so um i wonder how they will respond to the real mickey in orlando?

Jamie said...

oh yeah - where are the pictures of this fantastic time in the lives of my nieces....hmmmm???????